How Veniae Works

Watch this video to learn how Veniae Dismissal works:

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  • First, parents or authorized care-givers receive a unique family QR code that is linked only to their student(s).
  • Families only need one QR code no matter how many students are on that campus, even if families don't share the same last name.
  • The same code can be used year after year. This means that at the start of each year, you're only creating new codes for new families.

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  • As parents arrive on campus to pick up their student(s), they'll have their personalized QR code scanned by a designated school staff member in a designated pick-up location.
  • There can be as many designated pick-up locations as you'd like, but we recommend 2 to 3 depending on the size of the campus.

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  • After the QR code has been scanned, it will then transmit data to the student(s) classroom, notifying the teacher that the student(s) parent or authorized care-giver has arrived and is waiting for them in the designated pick-up location.
  • These locations can be drive-up where parents remain in their vehicles and/or walk-ups where parents walk to a location to retrieve their student(s).

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  • The classroom teacher then dismisses the student to the shown pick-up location where designated outside staff members are monitoring the dismissal process to see that the leaving students are making connection with their parent or care-giver.

What does a designated pick-up location look like?

A designated pick-up location is the area(s) that the school has chosen to be the permanent spots for pick-up. It could be a carpool lane where parents drive through, never leaving their vehicle, to pick-up their student(s). It could be a walk-up area where parents park and walk to meet their student(s). Schools get to decide how many pick up points they have in place. We recommend no more than 3 for safety reasons and to keep your designated dismissal staff from being spread too thin.

path between locations

Here's an example:

Global Village Academy has decided to have two parent pick-up locations to help ease vehicle congestion in their carpool lanes. Their town does not allow for traffic to sit out on the main roadway during pick up times.

One location is for parents picking up through the carpool lanes. Parents remain in their vehicles and students come directly to them once they have pulled around to the front of the school.

The other location is for parents parking in the lot and walking up to the building to a designated spot, remaining outside, to pick up their student(s).

To also help ease student congestion inside the building, GVA has dedicated one exit door to parents picking up via carpool lane (door B) and another exit door for parents walking to pick up (door A).

When a parent has their code scanned at door A, the system notifies the student that their parent is at door A. Same thing if the parent goes through the carpool line. A staff member scans their code while they are in their vehicle and the student knows to go to door B.

What does it look like inside the building?

screenshot of class example
  • When a parent or care-giver's code has been scanned, the coordinating classroom will receive the scan.
  • The teacher typically has their electronic board showing for all students to see, but it would work on a laptop where teachers call out when a students name appears.
  • Each classroom is set up uniquely, so students only see their classmates on the board.
  • Their code goes from plain black text to green for one scan, yellow for two scans, and red and blinking for three or more scans.
  • Next to their code will tell them the area in which their parent is waiting.
  • Schools can designate as many areas as they'd like.
  • Typically students are packed up and patiently waiting for their code to show up in their classroom. As soon as it does, they tell their teacher they're leaving and head to the location that was shown on the board.

Hallways are quiet and mostly clear, students are calm and collected, staff are happy as they wait in their warm rooms, and parents are excited to know their students are safe and sound in the building until they arrive.

Here are a couple of examples of what a pick-up may look like.

Mama Laura has arrived at the school to pick up her daughters Emmalynn and Juliette for the day. She decided today she would park her car and walk up to their designated pick-up location. She joins the line that has formed and makes her way through the line to the staff member scanning QR codes.

Once Laura's family QR code has been scanned, both of her daughter's see their names go from plain black text to flashing green text with Door A written next to it, even though they're in different classrooms. This indicates to them that their mom is waiting for them at the walkup location. Both girls grab their bags, gives their teachers high-fives that they're leaving, and head out to Door A. The staff member outside see that both Emmalynn and Juliette have come outside to meet up with their mama.

Juliette's dad, Brian has arrived at school as it starts to rain. Brian realizes he has forgotten his umbrella, so he decides to use the drive up lane today. Brian drives up and sees Mr. Young outside with his umbrella scanning cars as they arrive.

Smart man, Brian thinks.

Brian rolls up to Mr. Young, gives a quick wave and Mr. Young scans Brian's family code. Brian pulls forward as the cars in front of him move forward as well.

Meanwhile, Juliette is sitting patiently in her classroom singing a song with her peers while she watches the board for her number to start blinking. Juliette sees that her number turns green and reads “Door B”, but doesn't want to miss the end of the song.

So, instead of getting up right away, she continues to sing away. Brian has now pulled all the way to the front of the line and is looking at his watch. Brian is thankful that he can remain in his car while it continues to rain, but is wondering where his daughter is.

Mrs. Bush, who is monitoring students exiting the building and opening car doors, realizes that little Juliette still has not come down, so she scans the code again. This makes the code change colors in Juliette's classroom to yellow still saying “Door B”.

Juliette sees this and realizes she better get going! She jumps up, grabs her belongings and gives a big wave to her teacher who in turn waves back. She heads to door B to meet her dad. She sees it's raining, pulls the hood of her coat over her head and runs out the door. Mrs. Bush sees Juliette come out the door from the school and opens up Brian's car door for little Juliette to jump inside to avoid getting soaked from the rain.